City data spaces: A guide to building and operationalising data services

How data spaces are transforming data sharing, and establishing new frameworks to create data services to improve urban services and liveability.

How data spaces are transforming data sharing, and establishing new frameworks to create data services to improve urban services and liveability.

Data spaces are paving the way for a new way to share data between different organisations and individuals. They are replacing one-to-one connections and enabling data-driven collaboration between different partners, while remaining very flexible for new partners who were not known before.

This SmartCitiesWorld white paper is published in association with the open source FIWARE Foundation, which is instrumental in establishing data spaces and furthering their global progress. The set of building blocks for the creation of interoperable data spaces in different application domains, to which FIWARE is contributing its technology, is providing exactly the functionality to enable interoperability by defined interfaces and data models.

For all their benefits, data spaces are still an emerging concept for smart cities but there are already a number of active use cases in the market today that demonstrate best practice and this white paper showcases those in FIWARE’s global community and partner network who are already working with data spaces and delivering many of the benefits.

This white paper covers: 

  • What are data spaces and how can they be established?
  • What does best practice look like?
  • The role of FIWARE in creating data spaces
  • How data spaces preserve data sovereignty and promote trust
  • Data value creation
  • A number of active use cases from the FIWARE network around the world, including: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Data Competence Center for Cities and Regions (DKSR); Latitudo 40; Red Hat; Mobility Data Space; Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa; Deloitte; Urban Software Institute GmbH.

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